
il network degli artisti instant italiani

Integral film

SX-70 cameras (integral film, develops automatically, 3.1 x 3.1 inch)

  • Type SX-70, ISO 150, color (replaced with Time-Zero film around 1980)
  • Type Time-Zero, ISO 150, color
  • Type 708, ISO 160, color, designed for Face Place (did not contain battery)
  • Type 778, ISO 160, color, professional color, high definition
  • Type SX-70 Blend, ISO 640 (reduced to 150), color (modified film based on improved type 600 chemistry with built-in ND filter)
  • Type Artistic TZ, ISO 100, color (experimental film made from expired Time-Zero chemicals)
  • Type Fade to Black, ISO 100, color (experimental film; photo gradually fades to black after 24hrs)

600 cameras (integral film, develops automatically, 3.1 x 3.1 inch)

  • Type 600, ISO 640, color (consumer cameras)
  • Type 600 Extreme Monochrome, ISO 640, black and white
  • Type 600 Copy & Fax, ISO 640, black and white
  • Type 600 Matte, ISO 640, color (matte finish)
  • Type 600 AlterImage, ISO 640 color (matte finish) drawable image
  • Type 600 TAZ film, ISO 640, color (features a pre-exposed Looney Tunes graphic)
  • Type 700, ISO 640, color (asian / latin-american market name for 600)
  • Type 779, ISO 640, color (professional color, high definition)
  • Type 780 Turbo, ISO 640, color (special market name for 600)
  • Type 788, ISO 640, color (special market name for 600)

Spectra / Image / 1200 cameras (integral film, develops automatically, 3.6 x 2.9 inch)

  • Spectra / Image, ISO 640, color (consumer cameras)
  • Image Softtone, ISO 640, color (made from expired chemicals)
  • Type 700, ISO 640, color (asian market name for spectra)
  • Type 990, ISO 640, color (professional color, high definition)
  • Type 1200, ISO 640, color (contains 12 exposures per cartridge)
  • GridFilm, ISO 640, color (has a grid for technical use)
  • ColorShot, ISO 640, color (designed for use with ColorShot Printer, did not contain a battery)

Captiva/Vision (integral film, for Captiva and Joycam 4.4 x 2.5 inch, 11.1 x 6.4 cm)

  • Captiva 95, ISO 640, color (replaced by Type 500)
  • Type 500, ISO 640, color

i-Zone (integral film, for i-Zone, Xiao & i-Zone 200 1.5 x 1 inch, 3.6 cm x 2.4 cm)

  • Pocket Film, ISO 640, color
  • i-Zone Sticker Film, ISO 640, color, adhesive back
  • i-Zone Fortune Film, ISO 640, color, adhesive back
  • iZone 200, ISO 640, color, adhesive back

mio (integral film, develops automatically, 2.13 x 3.4 inch, 4.6 x 6.2 cm)

  • mio, ISO 800, color (comparable to FujiFilm Instax Mini)

Type 330 series AutoFilm (integral film for use Polaroid CB-33 backs, 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch)

  • Type 331, ISO 400, black and white (no self-contained battery)
  • Type 337, ISO 3200, black and white (no self-contained battery)
  • Type 339, ISO 640, color (no self-contained battery)
  • Type 339 Plus, ISO 640, color (has self-contained battery)


Type 100 series packfilm for Land cameras (timed peel-apart development, sometimes called type 660, 10.8 x 8.3 cm; 4.25 x 3.25 inch)

  • PC ID-UV 100, ISO 100, color, ultra violet security imprint (passport, documents)
  • ID-UV, ISO 80, color, ultra violet security imprint (passport, documents)
  • Studio Polaroid, ISO 125, color (passport and document)
  • Type 125i, ISO 125, color (passport and document)
  • Type 125i Silk, ISO 125, color (passport and document, matte finish)
  • Type 084 ISO 3000, black and white (professional 107)
  • Type 105, ISO 75 print, ISO 32 negative, black and white with negative (renamed as 665 in 1977)
  • Type 107, ISO 3000, black and white
  • Type 107C, ISO 3000, black and white (coaterless)
  • Type 108, ISO 75, color, replaced with 669 in 2001
  • Type 64T, ISO 64, color (tungsten lighting)
  • Type 606, ISO 200, Sepia tone
  • Type 611, ISO 200, black and white, low contrast for photographing video displays
  • Type 612, ISO 20000, black and white, high contrast for photographing oscilloscope traces
  • Type 661, ISO 80, color, special program film not for retail sale
  • Type 663, ISO 800, black and white
  • Type 664, ISO 100, black and white
  • Type 665, ISO 80 print, ISO 32 negative, black and white with reusable negative
  • Type 667, ISO 3000, black and white
  • Type 668, ISO 75, color (replaced by 669)
  • Type 669, ISO 80, color (consumer grade, but used for art purposes such as image transfer and emulsion lifts)
  • Type 669 Silk, ISO 80, color (matte finish)
  • Type 672, ISO 400, black and white
  • Type 679, ISO 100, color (replace by 690)
  • Type 681, ISO 80, color, plastic base print
  • Type 689, ISO 100, color (also known as ProVivid, replace by 690)
  • Type 690, ISO 100, color (professional grade)
  • Type 691, ISO 80, color transparent film.
  • Type 100 Chocolate Film, ISO 80, Chocolate/brownish tone film
  • Type 100 Sepia Film, ISO 1600, Sepia-tone
  • Type 100 Blue Film, ISO 80, blue & white tone

Type 550 series packfilm, 4 x 5 inch, for Polaroid 550 film backs. Introduced in 1981.

  • Type 552, ISO 400, black and white
  • Type 553, ISO 800, black and white
  • Type 554, ISO 100, black and white
  • Type 559, ISO 80, color
  • Type 572, ISO 400, black and white
  • Type 579, ISO 100, color

Type 80 series packfilm, 8.3 x 8.6 cm, (3 1/4 x 3 3/8 inch) Introduced in 1971.

  • Type 84, ISO 100, black and white, medium contrast film
  • Type 85 P/N, ISO 80 print, ISO 32 negative, black and white with reusable negative
  • Type 87, ISO 3000, black and white
  • Type 88 ER, ISO 80, color
  • Type 89, ISO 100, color
  • Viva, ISO 80, color
  • Viva Color, ISO 125, color
  • Viva 3000, ISO 3000, black and white
  • Chocolate, ISO 100, Chocolate/brownish tone


Type 20 series roll film, for "The Swinger" (2 1/2" x 3 1/4")

  • Type 20, ISO 3000, black and white
  • Type 20c, ISO 3000, black and white (coaterless)

Type 30 series roll film (2 1/2" x 3 1/4")

  • Type 31, ISO 100, black and white
  • Type 32, ISO 200, black and white
  • Type 37, ISO 3000, black and white
  • Type 38, ISO 75, colour

Type 40 series roll film (3 1/4" x 4 1/4") 8 exposures per roll

  • Type 40, ISO 100, sepia tone
  • Type 41, ISO 100, black and white
  • Type 42, ISO 200, black and white
  • Type 43, ISO 200, black and white, acetate nagative
  • Type 44, ISO 400, black and white
  • Type 46, ISO 800, black and white slide film
  • Type 46-L, ISO 800, black and white large slide film
  • Type 146-L DiaLine, ISO 120, black and white slide film; orthochromatic
  • Type 47, ISO 3000, black and white
  • Type 48, ISO 75, colour (6 prints per roll)
  • Type 410 PolaScope, ISO 10000, black and white
  • Type 413, ISO not rated, infrared film, black and white

Sheet film

Type 50 series sheetfilm for 4x5 inch large format (time peel-apart development, all professional grade)

  • Type 510, ISO 10000 black and white, high contrast for oscillography use
  • Type 51, ISO 640 print, ISO 80 negative, black and white (very high contrast print, reusable negative)
  • Type 52, ISO 400, black and white (wide tonal range)
  • Type 53, ISO 800, black and white
  • Type 54, ISO 100, black and white
  • Type 55, ISO 50 print, ISO 25 negative, black and white (extremely high resolution, reusable negative)
  • Type Sepia 56, ISO 200, Sepia tone
  • Type 56, ISO 400, Sepia tone
  • Type 57, ISO 3000, black and white
  • Type 58, ISO 75, color
  • Type 59, ISO 80, color (consumer grade, used for art, such as image transfer and emulsion lifts)
  • Type 64, ISO 64, color (tungsten lighting)
  • Type 72, ISO 400, black and white (medium tonal range)
  • Type 79, ISO 100, color, high color fidelity, "Polacolor Pro"

Type 800 series sheetfilm for 8x10 inch cameras, processors, Daylabs and other purposes

  • Type 803, ISO 800, black and white
  • Type 804, ISO 100, black and white
  • Type 808, ISO 75, color
  • Type 809, ISO 80, color for art purposes
  • Type 891, ISO 80, color transparent film
  • Type TPX, ISO ?, black and white translucent prints; designed for radiography use


  • Polavision Phototape Type 608, ISO 40, color, Super 8 motion picture; Length: 38.5 feet
  • Polavision Phototape Type 617, ISO 125, black and white, Super 8 motion picture; Length: 38.5 feet
  • Polavision Phototape Type 618, ISO 40, color, Super 8 motion picture; Length: 38.5 feet


  • PolaBlue CN, ISO 8, 35mm instant slide film
  • PolaChrome CS, ISO 40, 35mm instant slide film
  • PolaChrome HCP, ISO 40, 35mm instant slide film
  • PolaGraph HC, ISO 400, black and white, 35mm instant slide film
  • PolaPan CT, ISO 125, black and white, 35mm instant slide film


  • 20x24 P3 PolaColor ER, ISO 80, color
  • 20x24 P7 PolaColor, ISO 100, color
  • 20x24 PolaPan 400, ISO 400, black and white


  • 40x80 PolaColor ER, ISO 80, color

Misc film

  • Polaroid IJT-100 transparency film
  • Type 1001 radiography film, 10 x 12 in, 60 sec development.
  • Type 3000X radiography film, 10 x 12 in, 10 sec development.

Visualizzazioni: 1442


Risposte a questa discussione

Sono una "polaroider" in fasce, fresca di iscrizione al vostro sito (fichissimo!) e con la sua 635cl arrivata proprio ieri. Il punto ora è: quale pellicola usare per il mio modello? So che se ne trovano anche in bianco e nero, come acquistarle?
Grazie :)
Ciao!per la tua macchina vanno bene tutte le pellicole della serie "600", per adesso trovi nuove quelle in bn che puoi acquistare qui

e quelle a colori
che però hanno i toni dell'azzurro

mentre per le vecchie colori devi andare alla ricerca su ebay o mercatini ( ma è tutto materiale scaduto e che tendenzialmente vendono a prezzi spropositati)

a presto!

skyliner ha detto:
Sono una "polaroider" in fasce, fresca di iscrizione al vostro sito (fichissimo!) e con la sua 635cl arrivata proprio ieri. Il punto ora è: quale pellicola usare per il mio modello? So che se ne trovano anche in bianco e nero, come acquistarle? Grazie :)
Carmen, grazie :)
Ciao Ragazzi!
Ho bisogno di alcune informazioni..

Ho una polaroid Image 2 e sto sperimentando da poco questo mondo, potreste darmi delle dritte?

su pellicole da acquistare, quali e dove?

Grazie infinitamente!

skyliner ha detto:
Carmen, grazie :)
Per la Image/Spectra caschi benissimo.
Sul sito di Impossible Project ci sono ancora in vendita le pellicole originali, Image e Image Soft tone.
Ti consiglio assolutamente ti provare anche le PZ600 in bianco e nero.
Adesso funzionano egregiamente, anche se tra qualche giorno, quando fara' piu' fresco, potrai ottenere risultati migliori.

Eddyna Danzi ha detto:
Ciao Ragazzi!
Ho bisogno di alcune informazioni..

Ho una polaroid Image 2 e sto sperimentando da poco questo mondo, potreste darmi delle dritte?

su pellicole da acquistare, quali e dove?

Grazie infinitamente!

skyliner ha detto:
Carmen, grazie :)
Grazie mille Gian :)
...Ciao, se vuoi io ho un negozio vicino che ne ha ancora tante! fammi sapere se ti interessa perchè te le prendo volentieri, e senza passare da internet!

Eddyna Danzi ha detto:
Grazie mille Gian :)

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