
il network degli artisti instant italiani

I can name this events in Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki those the most important for human history and at the same time the most terrible. I always feel emphaty with the victims and all images of the explosions and what happened afterwards produced the terrible impression on me.

When I saw this cup in the Science Museum in London, I immediately had the idea of the project. I found this corrupted but survived сup with the hieroglyphic "longevity" the wonderful symbol of this event. The symbol of the human greediness and vanity, fragiality of the life and at the same time the strong will for the Life.

"AUGUST 1945" (Version 2)

The porcelain bowl, retrieved from Hiroshima after the atomic bomb explosion, August 1945 from the Science Museum, London. In the center of the bowl is the hieroglyph "Kotobuku" that means "longevity"...

Polaroid SLR680 + PX680 Color Shade Colette Edition

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Fondato nel 2010 da:

Alan Marcheselli

Carmen Palermo

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Alessia Amati 

Alan Marcheselli


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2020 Alan Marcheselli

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